Ever wonder how to keep track of your credit-card (as well as debit-card) billings, especially if you have multiple credit cards from several banks?
Look no further!
Credit Card Pro has been designed with this in mind - to help make life easy for you in the management of your credit-card expenses.
Its simple but intuitive menu-driven user interface enables you to, with minimum hassle:
1) Create/edit/delete credit/debit card and savings accounts
2) Enter/edit/delete transactions
3) View reports of transactions of each credit card, based on any period you specified
4) Get reminders
To manage a debit-card or savings account, simply entering a zero for "Interest-free Days" under "Notification" and the credit limit becomes the initial cash deposit/balance.
For all transactions, negative entries will be reflected (in brackets) as deposits/refunds while positive entries are withdrawals/payments.